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Real Green Diamond: A Rare and Valuable Gem

There are no diamonds more exotic or as rare to find in nature than green gem quality diamonds. It has a special color of its own, one which appears quite rarely and for this reason it is highly sought after by not just collectors but also connoisseurs. If you have ever been curious about these beautiful gems, then this article is going to give you some detailed information regarding real green diamonds with different attributes and answers why they are unique among the other gemstones present in our world.

What Are Real Green Diamonds?

Genuine green diamonds are the usual natural lime tinted types of carbon. Real green diamonds, most of which are naturally formed as opposed to synthetic or color-treated, are extremely rare and, because of their scarcity, they retain value far better than mined diamonds. That is, a radiation or the effect of some elements upon their creation boosts that greenish tone in these diamonds. This is what makes them different from their artificial versions.

How are Green Diamonds Formed?

Formation of green diamonds under specific conditions in the Earth’s mantle. Most of that appreciated green color comes by way of radiation, a process that can take millions and umpteen other years to grade into form. This radiation enters the crystal lattice of the real green diamond and changes its color. A hint at what causes the green color are trace impurities in a type of mineral known as nitrogen and hydrogen that find their way to diamond atoms.

Understanding The Color Grades 

Green diamonds are defined by the level of saturation and secondary color. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) color grading scale goes from Faint to Vivid. Grades: The Scale

  1. Faint Green: Diamonds given this grade have a pale green tone which is only visible under magnification.
  2. Pale Green: Significantly less pronounced than Weak green yet nonetheless pale.
  3. Light Green: Diamonds in this category have a slightly stronger green color, although it may still be quite faint.
  4. Fancy Green: This grade is for stones that have an obvious and vivid green tone.
  5. Fancy Intense Green: Diamonds on this end of the range boast a rich green shade and are some well-sought after gems.
  6. Color Grade: Fancy Vivid Green Indicative of an extremely strong and vibrant green color in the diamond.

The Rarity and Value of Green Diamonds

Prized from the rarest of all diamond shades the green diamonds. This rarity derives from the circumstances necessary to have these created making them incredibly sought after by collectors and investors. Green diamonds value influenced by several factors:

  • Color: The higher visual the green, either intense or pure that pretty much solidifies it.
  • Size: The more the green diamond size, the rarer and expensive it is.
  • Clarity: Fewer inclusions and even the color green is more desirable.
  • Cut: When it comes to cutting, what matters is the expertise with which a green diamond gets cut and how well this skill enhances its color as well as brilliance changing of value.

Because of how unique they are and this complex natural formation process, green diamonds can be more expensive than even other rare colors.

Caring for Green Diamonds

To Keep your Gemstone pristine, consider the following:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your green diamond to get rid of dust and oils. Wash the diamond gently with a mild detergent and soft brush Do not use strong chemical solutions, which may damage the gemstone.
  2. Safe Storage: Keep your green diamond should be stored in the soft pouch or a different compartment of a jewelry box (otherwise, it can scratch other jewels);
  3. Professional Inspection: You should occasionally have your green diamond checked out by a professional jeweler. The process will help detect any issues like unsung settings or harm it and also make sure the diamond stays in great condition.

Investing in Green Diamonds

For investors looking to expand their portfolio with rare and high-value assets, investing in green diamonds may be a great choice. Green diamonds, because of their scarcity and booming popularity are thought of as an appealing investment opportunity. Well, the standards work with only big and official dealers.But your DIAMONDS must be certified by any recognized gemological laboratories.


A sight to behold, the beauty and rarity of a real green diamond is truly a miraculous phenomenon that took place naturally. With their rarity and exclusive color, they are a great choice for someone who is a collector or an investor in gems not to forget the ‘real’ gem enthusiasts. Knowing how they are formed, the way in which European laboratories evaluate quality and what must be taken into account when caring for them is key to understanding all of their charm.

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